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Find Your next Apartment Online


Remember the days when you had to look in your local newspaper classifieds to find a place to live? Today, you can search hundreds, if not thousands of listings through your phone or a computer. Depending on what you’re using, the multitude of options can border on overwhelming. To help ease your search, we have a couple of website recommendations, most of which have an app you can use on your mobile device.

If you want more photos and floor plans than what may be necessary, check out Apartment Guide. In addition to pictures and floor plans, you’ll find plenty of videos and even 360-degree tours that can help you get a feel for what the place may be like. There are numerous filters available to help you fine-tune your search.

For meticulous information about apartment buildings, check out For Rent. You can see an overview of what the building offers in terms of amenities and you’ll typically find an accompanying video plus plenty of photos. In addition, the website offers moving quotes and a handy calculator to help you determine how much rent you can afford to pay.

PadMapper was recently redesigned and pulls its listings from other major websites like Airbnb and the aforementioned For Rent, presenting these listings on an interactive map that also shows neighboring listings so you can easily jump between them. It also has a useful feature that will let you calculate what you can afford via rent per bedroom, very useful if you’re planning on moving in with friends.

This update is presented by Miami Beach Realtor Tim Allen of Blackstone International Realty, specializing in the Apogee South Beach.  If you are interested in Miami Beach condos such as the Apogee South Beach condos for sale, call Apogee expert Tim at 305-588-2451 for information on sales and rentals.